
In our dive center on Bali we can train you in different dive educationsystems like PADI, SSI and NRC depending on our freelance dive instructors.
For 8 til 10 years
Hey kids, let’s go diving! Our "Bubble" program is designed for adventurous youngsters like you.
Imagine the thrill of breathing under water! If you're from 8 till 10 years old this is your chance, so take the plunge with our Instructor and go diving in the pool to maximum 2 meters.
Whether it's in a mango shake, with bubble gum or underwater, we know that kids just love blowing bubbles! So try making bubbles our way.
Start out on the right fin and jump into our "Bubble" program today.
What is Scuba Diving?
Experience the beauty and adventure waiting beneath the surface. Our course is an easy and safe way to become familiar with scuba diving.
Certified Instructors will teach you the basic, which includes: watching a video, a bit of theory and some pool training. And you will be prepared for an open water dive to maximum 12 meters, under the experienced supervision of the instructor.
You must be 10 years old or more to follow this program.
* If you have any doubts regarding your health condition, please remember to bring a medical certification from your doctor.

What is a Scuba Diver?
The first Scuba Diver course is the first step towards an International Dive Certification. The course is great fun and doesn't take long. After successfully completing this course you'll be certified to scuba dive, able to dive all over the World accompanied by an Instructor or Divemaster on all your dives. You must be min of 10 years old to join the course and the maximum depth is 12 meters.
The options are to learn some of the theory online upfront, or when in our dive center, you will be watching video, reading the modules in the Open Water manual, make the knowledge review questions for the chapters and make the quizzes. You will go to the pool for confined water training and make two Open Water dives.
As you gain experience you may want to dive with friends, this program allows you to build up to the level of Certified Open Water Diver, where you don't need to be accompanied by an Instructor or Divemaster.
* If you have any doubts regarding your health condition please, remember to bring a medical certification from your doctor.
Open Water Diver is the complete certifications.
The Open Water Diver certification is a complete course that can be taken by any beginner from the age of 10 years. You'll learn what is needed to dive safely and independently while also having lots of fun.
Achieving Open Water Diver certification requires professional instruction covering the five modules of video, five modules reading and going through knowledge review questions in the Open Water manual, four quizzes and a final exam. Five confined water training dives in the pool and four Open Water training dives, until you master the skills needed to scuba dive safely in the open sea. OWD certification is the key to a vast and fascinating underwater kingdom.
* If you have any doubts regarding your health condition please, remember to bring a medical certification from your doctor.

Next level, the Adventure Diver
Take your diving to the next level. You can become a certified Adventure Diver and get further with your diving experience. The Adventure Diver program is the safest and quickest way to gain additional skills guided by a certified Instructor. This program includes a total of two in water dives from the categories below:
Wreck, Deep, Drift, Night, Multilevel, Search and Recovery, Peak and Performance Buoyancy, Underwater Naturalist, Underwater Navigator, Boat Diver, Underwater Photographer, Project Aware, Fish Identification, Enriched Air Nitrox just to mentioned som. For a more detailed list please contact us as each edducation system have different names.
* If you have any doubts regarding your health condition please, remember to bring a medical certification from your doctor.
Advanced Open Water Diver
The Advanced Diver program fine-tunes your underwater skills and allows you to explore all that diving has to offer.
The Advanced Diving program provides you with additional experience and skills under the professional guidance of a certified Instructor. To obtain Advanced Open Water Diver certification you must successfully complete the Deep - and Underwater Navigation Adventure Dives plus three additional Adventure dives. Five dives in total included 5 chapters theory in the Advanced manual.
You must be at least 12 years old and a certified Open Water Diver or a Junior Open Water Diver (or equivalent), for the Advanced Open Water program.
* If you have any doubts regarding your health condition please, remember to bring a medical certification from your doctor.

Specialty courses
Here in Abwonderdive we offer a wide range of specialties. If you want to get more in dept with the different subjects such as: Wreck, Deep, Drift, Night, Multilevel, Search and Recovery, Peak and Performance Buoyancy, Underwater Naturalist, Underwater Navigator, Boat Diver, Underwater Photographer, AWARE Fish Identification, Shark, Enriched Air Nitrox etc.
The Specialties will count towards the Master Diver program, which is the highest level before the professional Dive guide or Divemaster program.
Emergency First Responder
The Emergency First Responder course, gives you the skills you need to perform CPR and First Aid. Whether you're a diver or a non-diver, Emergency First Response helps you to properly handle potentially life-threatening situations. This comprehensive program contains two core modules that can be taught in tandem or as stand-alone courses:
Emergency First Response - Primary Care, and Emergency First Response - Secondary Care. Together, these courses provide extensive instruction in CPR and First Aid, as well as providing optional (but recommended) Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and Emergency Oxygen sections.
This course is usually conducted in one day.
Are you interested in learning about how to rescue a diver?
The diver in stress ia a course to learn how to rescue a diver, it is an important step in expanding your Advanced knowledge. You'll learn to look beyond yourself and consider the safety and well being of other divers. Although this course is serious, it is an enjoyable way to build up your confidence and skills by diving.
Rescue and stress training will help you to anticipate problems and, if necessary, manage dive emergencies. During the five open water sessions, you'll cover:
Self-Rescue and Diver Stress. Dive First Aid. Emergency Management and Equipment. Swimming and Non-Swimming Assists. Panicked Diver Response.
Underwater Problems. Missing Diver Procedures. Surfacing the Unconscious Diver. In-Water Artificial Respiration. Egress (Exits). First Aid Procedures for Pressure Related Accidents. Dive Accident Scenarios.
* If you have any doubts regarding your health condition please, remember to bring a medical certification from your doctor.
Dive Guide and Master Diver etc.
When you have 5 specialties, Rescue Diver and the Emergency First responder you have achieved a lot and you are now entitled to the highest level before becoming a professional Dive Guide and a master. Well done!
Dive master, 3* diver, Dive guide pro. etc.
This is the first level as a professional diver. You can also be a recreational non professional dive master. Maybe you are just interested in learning more about the diving and theory behind, or maybe your big dream is, to work in the dive business and even become an Scuba Instructor. Then this is the right step to take. Please contact us for more detailes.
Happy diving happy life.